A Wonderful Trip in Grassland

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A wonderful trip in grassland Maria Rong In people’s lives, childhood is a very important and inevitable process. No matter they were poor or rich when they were little kids, I believe that everyone has his or her own unforgettable and wonderful memories of childhood. For me, the memories of a trip in grassland left a deep impression on me. When I was thirteen years old, I went to Inner Mongolia in summer. As a member of student choir, I stayed with other students and few teachers for four days. In my opinion, the most attractive thing of Inner Mongolia is beautiful scenery. When I first arrived there, green grasslands and the blue sky caught all my attention. The grasslands were so wide that they looked like a giant green carpet. Below the blue sky and white clouds, I saw a vivid picture of flocks of sheep and cattle. Inner Mongolia was not only beautiful in daytime, but also was wonderful at night. I was so lucky that there was a Leo meteor show at the third. My friends and I were really excited because we had never watched that before as city girls. In order to watch the stars clearly and comfortably, we move chairs and quilt out of tents and put them on the grass. We raised our heads the whole night and stared at the sky. After waiting thirty minutes, a star crossed the sky suddenly. At that moment, we all stopped winking our eyes because the star was so fast. After that, there were more stars cross the sky and we are dazzled. We all cheered and jumped on the grasslands. As I first time to grassland, I tried many interesting activities. Talking about grassland, many people may think about horses. When I knew that I would visit Inner Mongolia, I had looked forward to riding horse for a long time. At the third day, the guide led us to ride horse. That was my first time to see real horses in such a close

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