A Reflective Essay on Maria Teresa's Life

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When I think of Mother Teresa, I think of three things: simplicity, hope, and persevering; this knowledge has been instilled to me as a child, but never understood why. Although, after watching this movie, I now see why those three things perfectly describe Mother Teresa, and in order of her life. First, simplicity, after she saw the poor state of the people in Calcutta and left the convent to live amongst the poor whom she called her “brothers and sisters”, it was unknowingly the first grand step that led her to touch millions of lives until today. Second, hope, during her time with the poor she had taught the impoverished children how to read and write. These actions, though may seem small at first, are huge. Mother Teresa had given these kids a chance at a better future and hope that they may rise from poverty. Although her good deeds were many, she had just as many critics like those who thought that she was against their god. Even after being threatened and discouraged---Mother Teresa persevered under her passion to help and her belief that God wanted this. Through her perseverance, she had saved many lives, touched many souls, and brought together a group of diverse people dedicated to charity for others. An example of her persevering underneath stress was when she was rioted against because she had used the Temple of Kali as a hospital, run by nuns, for those who were rejected by the hospital. The devout Hindus thought Mother Teresa was there to convert the sick and dying for her God, and thought that she was purposely belittling their faith; so they had screamed, shouted and threw stones at the building just for her to go away. Although, when one of the officers that had meant to kick her out saw what she had been doing, he finally understood.. The officer had gone out to the rioters and said, “I'll only send them away when your mothers and sisters are able

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