A Person Who I Admire Most

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Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck A person who I am going to tell you is the fifth Dragon King of Phutan and head of the Wangchuck dynasty. He became the king when he was only 27 years old. Last 2 years, he visited Thailand to attend Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s 60th Anniversary. The prince that time was the youngest of the visiting royals, caused sensation of ‘Prince Fever’ to female fans in Thailand. The Thai press dubbed him as “Prince Charming”. Yes, the person I had mentioned is HM Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the youngest king in the world. He was officially crowned last year with the age of 28. What I admire in him is not because of his appearance, it is actually his graceful disciplines and attitudes. He is always humble and polite which those are very impressive and always on Thais’ remembrance. HM Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck has set a determination to follows our beloved king, Bhumibol Adulyadej’s philosophy particularly an idea of sufficiency. By his intention to be a king of developer, HM always concerns with local problems, applies himself an idea of sufficient living and manages his perspective compatibly with his people and country. As the king, his people and common wealth benefits are firstly considered because his ideal governmental philosophy is measured by “Gross National Happiness”. He believes that Gross National Happiness is comparable as if a bridge in-between economic growth, equality and humanity. He is expecting to see Bhutan will be gradually civilized and globalized in its own way. Although, Bhutan is an undeveloped country where most people depend on agriculture for most of its income, it is the country where people are full of the most happiness in the world because their leader is considerate and inspirational which make Bhutanese tensely perceive in their royals and nation. HM the king of Bhutan has authenticated that

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