A Peaceful Day at the Park

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It was a very quiet and peaceful day at the park; the sun was shining brightly high in the clear blue sky with not a cloud insight. The spring flowers were in full bloom painting the park grounds in an array of bright and colorful plant life. A gentle refreshing breeze would blow every once in a while causing the vibrant green leaves and flowers to rustle. The breeze would also bring the sweet scents of fresh flowers and baked goods from the bakery across the street. As I lean up against a tall shady tree I feel its rough bark slightly digging into my back and the soft slightly wet grass against my feet. I am also enjoy the peacefulness around me, and the smell of a brand new book in my hand. The lake that I am sitting next is a clear blue and cool to the touch; I see ducks waddling across the lake causing ripples all around them. I can hear the birds chirping in the trees around me and I see a few fly off probably trying to find food for lunch. In the distance I can see a colorful playground with lots of cheerful children laughing and playing having a good time. I can also see their mothers keeping a watchful eye on them, and also I can faintly hear, over the chattering of children, worried mothers telling their children to be careful and play nicely with the other children. As it starts to grow dark people began to pack up and get ready for the trip back home. The sky is painted in bright orange, yellow, and pink, and in the distance over the tops of trees I can see the tall skyscrapers in the city start to light up brightly. Then I think to myself what nice day at the
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