A Passion for Fashion

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A Passion for Fashion…Slightly Mistaken “Slightly Mistaken” as Isaac Mizrahi talks about in his story on www.TED.com Isaac Mizrahi is one of the most creative and known American fashion designer’s to this day. Isaac is diverse, dynamic and distinct. He inspired his audience by giving them a piece of his life story in a comical manner that makes it more interesting in my eyes. Overcoming adversity through his clothing apparel and his new deal with Target, Isaac inspires everyone with his love for fashion that clearly states “Wow” yet inexpensive at local Targets around the nation. He inspired me of his tribute to women and television and how they are portrayed through their characters, whether it was Marilyn Monroe, Natalie Wood or Greta Garbo. I can totally relate to what he spoke of about portrayal of women now and then. His positive attitude towards youth and how people and their children and their priority and their well being. This part really touched my heart because in this society some things are accepted and some aren’t. He talks about inspiration and his insomnia about creativity on a slightly mistaken idea that becomes one of interest to him. He narrated, “Peter and the Wolf in New York which he takes pride in. He is inspired and motivated by astrology and colors. Isaac was open about his sexuality and talks about the man of his dreams and his love for his mother. His overall speech about how he started designing at an early age. He would make puppet outfits at the age of eight years old and by the time he was thirtteen he began making clothes for friends and his family. As a celebrity designer he inspires and motivates me of his multi tasking abilities. His delivery in his speech had the audience interested and humored with him as he spoke of his story. Isaac is a very talented person and I truly respect what he has done for

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