A Mothers Day Kiss Off

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Jarret McCallister Ms. Smith W131 27 February 2013 Critique: “A Mother’s Day Kiss-Off” In “A Mother’s Day Kiss-Off,” author and editor of Vanity Fair, Leslie Bennetts, starts out criticizing society, specifically men, for being unsympathetic towards the sacrifices women make. She makes generalizations about the resentment that all women feel when it comes to being a housewife. Bennetts then contradicts herself by shifting the blame over to women for accepting the domestic role. She goes on to provide suggestions as to what women should be doing differently to advance their social status and gain more independence. By changing the main focus of her paper and making over-generalizations about the way that all women feel, Bennetts takes away from the effectiveness of her argument and weakens her overall credibility. Bennetts starts her article by sympathizing with the struggle women go through while transitioning from working-woman to housewife. She blames the “corporate culture” for not being flexible enough to allow mothers to balance their responsibilities at work with their responsibilities at home (Bennetts 419). Bennetts then goes on to explain the resentment women begin to feel for having to give up their careers to be a homemaker. They begin to harbor anger towards their husbands who “still view child care and household chores as women’s work” (Bennetts 419). For Bennetts argument to be valid, the assumption must be made that all women, or at least a vast majority, are in a “permanent state” of anger (Bennetts 418). It would also have to be assumed that men are unwilling to help out when it comes to childcare and women view the responsibility as a large burden. However, no evidence is put forth to support these claims. She fails to recognize the fact that some women might prefer to be a large part of their children’s lives and would rather

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