A Marriage Essay

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What do you think are the feelings about marriage in this poem and how does the poet present these feelings to the reader? In the poem 'A marriage', Michael Blumenthal expresses a clear view to the reader by presenting marriage as a positive affair which helps people to share burdens as well as progress their lives. At the beginning of the poem, Blumenthal implies that living on your own is a tire and an exhausting ordeal as he describes the arms as "tired". This word is repeated which exaggerates the misery of loneliness and implies that there is no end; this idea of there being no end is also expressed in "either your arms or the ceiling will soon collapse" giving out before the end. From this, it is clear to the reader that Blumenthal believes that being alone is painful and controlling towards you. In the following two stanza's, Blumenthal brings the change of marriage into a person’s life, describing "a man or a woman" who "holds their arms up to the ceiling beside you" which makes you finally to take a rest and feel the "relief of respite". This gives connotations to the reader that Blumenthal believes marriage is idyllic as it allows a person to share the weight of their problems with someone who truly appreciates them and will do everything possible to help them. This consequently accentuates that Blumenthal feels it is essential in finding a partner in life to ease the burden. The metaphor "the blood flowing" represents the heart which is a symbol for love implying that without marriage there is no love and you have to have love to survive. This is also supported with "house" and "day" as a metaphor signifying the importance of marriage in life. Blumenthal concludes the poem by revealing that each partner takes turn in holding up the ceiling, which can go on "for many years without the house falling". This suggests that by sharing our problems
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