A Little Change Is a Good Thing

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A Little Change Is a Good Thing Change is sometimes scary. It is easier and less threatening to do the same thing. However, life has a way of forcing us to change. We sometimes have to change jobs unexpectedly, move to a new location, find a new grocery store, a new cleaners, a new lover, etc. How the change affects us depends on how we view it. If we look at it as an opportunity, it can be empowering. I view change as the perfect opportunity to discover a new part of me. A chance to discover the myriad of possibilities that exist if I only allow myself to open up enough to experience something new. Life can be very exciting or very dull. If you want your life to be exciting you only have to see the wonderful possibility that are available and go for it. If you want a dull, unadventurous life, you do not have to do anything. I know it is easier not to look, it is much easier to just continue on the same old road and do the same old things. I have observed that those of us who are afraid to look, live the most unhappy lives. Because we are not willing to give ourselves the chance to explore, or experience something new and different, we end up locking ourselves up in our room and blaming the world for our present state of life, our lack of courage. Why not make the decision to make the changes needed to make yourself happy instead of being forced to make a move because you do not have the courage to turn the corner, to turn the page? I bet you would feel a lot less like a victim if you take the steps needed to make the change you know you need to make. So come on, it is time to take control of your

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