A Life Changing Experience

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A life changing experience The arrival I went to boarding school when I was ten; actually I went on my tenth birthday. Don’t feel bad for me, I enjoyed it. I still remember the September autumn I arrived, it was a Sunday. I tend to associate Sundays with corn flan, since that was THE main cuisine for Sundays. It was breezy, cold and the roads were slippery. It was an all girls, small independent school in Nigeria. I waved briskly at my family and ran off the roads- ready to tackle the new world. Homesickness The first night at school I completely changed. Being away from home was quite a shock. The second day didn’t go so well either. The bells rang at five am; I had never woken up at five am before. The first day had been all exciting but then the novelty started to wear off and I realized I was on my own- well not exactly on my own but mum and dad were not there. I fully understood why I was at boarding school; it was just because it was a place where I would learn to become a woman, a leader as well as a follower and a strong Christian. I didn’t have a problem with that; I completely understood. So there wasn’t any conflict. I was just missing home, missing the comforts of home. But as the weeks went on, I got used to it and made a new home away from home, I made a new family. The new family I’ve known the people there for three years. I had the best and worst time of my life with them. I met different type of personalities from all over the country. The days we spent together were exceptional. We would rush up and down the thick woods to classes, sports, dining or prep (study time). My bed was the meeting site since it had a magnificent view of the school’s main entrance with its tall fir trees and courtyard, where on Saturdays we could see everyone passing by as we watch from my bed. I remember the dances we had during social night; they were breathtaking

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