A Journey Through The Old Testament

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A journey through the Old Testament Old Testament Survey-OTS-101 Loretta Pittman Student #N1838-2445 November 29th 2011 Summary: The first 39 books of the Bible are the most historic books around today. The Bible is the most read and most known book of all time yet sometimes it can be a little challenging to read. I believe it’s because of its thickness in pages and its rhetoric as far as the words thou and art. The Bible’s first 39 books are written from a wide perspective with multiple writers that span over 4000 years. There’s so much history about the early days of the gospel and about how the church was organized and managed back in the history of the Bible. The Bible consists of the history, law, wisdom writings, and the prophet’s. Dr. Elmer L Townes book entitled a journey through the Old Testament is the most helpful book I have ever read. I love the way he just took every subject in the Bible and broke it down in the simplistic form so that it is so understandable. He seems to have written this book from an everyday living perspective. The way the book is written shows us who the person was and what they did and how they lived their lives back in those days. This book makes it seem as though what we are now experiencing here in the earth today is and was no different than what they were experiencing back then. Dr. Town states “The people who lived before Christ were not much different from us today”. We need to read and get an understanding of what others went through in their lives because most of us are experiencing those same things they were experiencing right now and today. I love the way this book depicts the lives of those in the Bible and how they interacted with others like their enemies and their families as well as how they handled different life changing experiences. I love the way their relationships were with God and how they prayed, rose
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