A Historical Analysis

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| A Historical Analysis of “There Is No Word for Goodbye” and “Dear John Wayne” | “In order to analyze a poem, literary historians and cultural critics assert that one must have a rich understanding of the time in which the poet lived”(South University Online, 2010, para. 3). The Historical Analysis of the poems “There Is No Word for Goodbye” and “Dear John Wayne” can both be reviewed by using the historical research method. By using this method it can help you have a better understanding of the time in which the poets lived and what and why they have written what they wrote. The author of “There Is No Word for Goodbye” is Mary Tall Mountain. Tallmountain is a Native American woman who is from Alaska, but she grew up in Oregon with her adopted white family, after her native family and others in her town died of tuberculosis. When she was older, she was educated as a legal secretary and moved to San Francisco. When Mary got to San Francisco, she met a poet whose name was Paula Gunn Allen, and she encouraged Mary to write about her native Alaskan heritage. Tallmountain published seven collections of poems, including “There Is No Word for Goodbye”. The next poem, “Dear John Wayne” was written by Louise Erdrich. Erdrich was also a Native American woman, something that she and Tallmountain had in common. She was raised in North Dakota, and graduated from Dartmouth College in 1976. She taught poetry in North Dakota before she returned east to Johns Hopkins University where she went to complete her master’s degree in creative writing. Erdrich had a series of novels as well about the modern Native American life including “Dear John Wayne”. Erdrich uses the career of Western movie icon John Wayne and the cultural setting surrounding that career to ground the scene of her poem. Both of these authors are Native American women that want to get the

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