A Defense Against the Teleological Argument

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Nanx Dakum PHIL 100 TA: Xuan Wang Proff: Dave McElhoes December 2, 2011 ‘A Defense against the Teleological Argument’ ‘Introduction’ In this paper I will argue that the Teleological argument is not a good argument for God’s existence. First I will explain the argument, and then I will object to specific premises of the argument. I will also point out the strengths of the argument and what a theist could say to counter my objections. I will explain objections such as the ‘Bad Engineer Objection’ to expose the weaknesses of the Teleological argument and prove that my thesis is indeed correct. To strengthen my credibility I will also use other objections by different philosophers. I plan to expose the strengths and weaknesses of my own objection but maintain my stand which is that the Teleological argument is not a good argument for God’s existence. I will end by defending my ideas. ‘The Argument and My Objections’ The Teleological argument is derived from a Greek word which means ‘purpose’. The idea is that the world was created for a purpose and when things have a purpose something must to have caused it for a reason. In other words, where there is a design there is a designer. William Paley explained this argument with the watch theory. A person is walking on the beach, he looks on the ground and there he finds a watch. The complexity and intricate design of the watch shows that there must be purpose to that watch. He couldn’t possibly think that the sand or water on the beach brought the watch to be. There must have been a designer. This is the watch analogy that William Paley uses; he then brings this local argument into a more global perspective. Just as the intricately designed watch has a watch maker the complex universe has a universe maker or as we will like to call it, a designer. Theists then go on to say that if this designer is likely then so
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