A Day in the Life of an Inventor

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My day starts at 9:00 in the morning, a few hours after everyone has left their homes and gone to their work or school, leaving me in a quiet, peaceful atmosphere for me to gather my thoughts and start inventing. I have a cup of coffee to clear my head and a light breakfast to keep me focused on the day ahead. I leave the house and go to the park or grocery store for inspiration, observing the environment and coming up with new ways to improve its circumstances and make things more fun and easy for the community. There are children riding their bikes, people walking their dogs, mothers pushing strollers, and men driving their cars to work. But all I see are the gears of the bikes turning as they pedal away, and the leash of the dog attached poorly to its collar, and the children sagging in their strollers, and the cars bumping noisily on the road, all of them imperfect, waiting to be fixed and improved, or remade. I am constantly thinking and creating things in my mind, as I walk through the city. As an inventor, I am always in a trance, my thoughts swirling round and round in my mind, contemplating all of our daily activities and needs. I draft and sketch my ideas from about 11:00 to 1:30 and then it is time for lunch. I eat a very hearty meal to boost my energy and refuel after a whole morning of thinking and discovering new ideas. As I eat, I cannot help but study my surroundings: the carts of food wheeling through the restaurant, the kitchen appliances heating and cooling the food down. Wherever I turn, I examine everything closely and thoroughly, always looking for flaws or solutions. Most people are not as observant and patient as I am, and have always been. As a child, I was very artistic and creative. I loved drawing, inventing new things, and creating new things and places. I was somewhat a dreamer, always imagining. I was also very attentive and
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