A Comparison of Methods of Measuring the Same Thing, Measureing "G"

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AS Physics Coursework: Quality of Measurement A Comparison of Methods of Measuring the Same Thing (Measuring ‘g’) Introduction For my physics coursework I am going to be doing “A comparison of methods of measuring the same thing”, the thing I will be measuring is gravity. Gravity is the force that pulls everything to the centre of the earth and its known value is 9.81 Newton’s. I will do this by dropping a ball over a set distance while measuring the time. And with these values I can use the SUVAT equations to find the acceleration due to gravity. And can then compare the result I get to the known value of gravity, 9.81N. The SUVAT equations are: A problem with these equations is that they ignore air resistance, so to minimise this effect I will not measure the gravity (acceleration) over a very large distance as this will cause air resistance to have a large effect on the results and the ball could reach terminal velocity, the constant speed that a freely falling object eventually reaches when the air resistance prevents further acceleration. Statement of the Problem When doing an experiment there are always uncertainties and I am going to do an experiment, find out the largest source of uncertainty and then do another experiment, but measuring the same thing, and try to get a better result that is nearer to the known value of gravity, 9.81N. I intend to find out a value of gravity, this value will be found out from my experiment, where I will find values for distance and time and then use a SUVAT equation. Metre sticks Metre sticks Ping pong ball Ping pong ball Experimental Design 1 Equipment setup: For this experiment I will attach 2 metre sticks to the wall with a bit of tape. I will then hold the ping pong ball at the correct height. Risk assessment: I will make sure the metre sticks are attached

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