A Community Organization on an Individual Basis

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A COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS American-based Hess Corporation builds their ethics on values of Social Responsibility. The companies’ aim is to create a positive impact on the communities in which they do business, while taking a responsible stance towards human rights, labor, and societal issues. What influences the social responsibility strategies of the Hess organization is: * Human rights – Accepting and upholding the principles contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2), in addition to encouraging interactions between public and private security providers and challenging businesses to adhere to ethical standards, in the areas of human rights, labor, and the environment. * Community involvement - Through their involvement and charitable contributions. Improvement in the delivery of emergency medical care. Assisting in the modernization of emergency medicine through training, supplies, and hospital upgrades. * Stakeholder engagement – Engaging decision with both internal and external stakeholders. Participation in Communications and Surveys. * Employees – To manage career growth and provide set skills for employees. Implemented a leadership development program, and launched a refining and marketing university. Hess’ social initiative is their commitment to help meet the world’s demand for energy in a way that protects the health and safety of its stakeholders and respects the environment. The Hess Corporation places emphasis in their values to which are the basic building blocks of the organization’s culture. The potential ethical or moral effects to the Hess organization’s social initiative are based on the six core values which guide their actions are: * Integrity * Performance * Social Responsibility * Independent Spirit * Value Creation * People The Hess organization makes these

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