Infancy Through Toddlerhood

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This essay is in reflection of nutrition during infancy and toddlerhood period. I will provide substantial evidence in support of the values in nutrition from infancy as well as its long term effects throughout toddlerhood. I will support the infancy stages as more important to the overall long term healthier effects available in toddlerhood. What happens during the prenatal period and the earliest months and years of a child’s life has lasting impact on the life course journey. In the earliest moments, months, and years, interactions with parents, family members, and other adults and children influence the way the brain develops, as do such factors as nutrition and environmental safety. Although it is never too late to improve health and well-being, what happens during infancy and toddlerhood sets the stage for the journey through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood (Woody, pp 6). I believe strongly in the health benefits of breastfeeding from birth to the first six months of infancy. Much of my findings in reading through most texts support that concept of truth. My son Dakota was breastfeed for his first six months of life and I chose this option due to the severe allergies his father and I have. Dakota fortunately did not acquire any of the allergies that could have been hereditary, thankfully. However, for convenience I let Dakota sleep by my side in between feedings. Although this method gave me considerable ease with the feedings I found the following statement to have been an unknown benefit as well. “It is interesting to note that both breastfeeding and sleeping with parents induce shorter bouts of sleep and less sound sleep than the alternatives (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000). Some researchers have speculated that the infant’s lighter and shorter sleep pattern may protect against sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).” Considering this statement to be
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