The Breakfast Club Pyschological Anylasis

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The Breakfast Club has become a classic in our society of today and I have to say that I can see why it is such a favorite. The major developmental themes of the movie are relational to the audience and with the five teenagers there is proportional representation of almost all click groups so that people can see themselves through one of the characters of the film. This film is based on the adolescent high school years, a time in life that almost all people remember quite well, and that makes The Breakfast Club even better because the movie takes the viewers back to that age themselves. This film was enjoyable to watch and just as enjoyable to write about. There were three major developmental themes that I found present throughout this movie. The first theme I felt was major was that of being alone. Each student has their own insecurities and problems. They all feel secluded and alone at the beginning of the movie. Each one is from a different social group and they do not feel that they can spend time with each other in a friendly manner, leaving them to suffer Saturday detention by themselves. I remember a specific moment in high school where I was in detention and I was sitting alone. I felt bereft of friends and insecure. In fact, I began to get truly upset knowing that I would have to spend the rest of my day in seclusion without my friends or anyone I knew. It can be very upsetting to feel that you are ‘alone in a crowded room’. But, by the end of the movie the five teenagers have become a group of friends. They shared some of their inner thoughts and feelings with each other and this helped them create a stronger bond with each other and they were not alone any more. Another theme I felt resonated through the movie was how the teenagers wanted acceptance from the others, no matter how well they hid it. All of these adolescents, at one point in the

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