What Is The Importance Of Family Experiences In Ch

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Many factors influence the social and emotional development of a child. In this essay the importance of family experiences will be discussed, along with which factors influence the way parents socialise their children, how sibling relationships can affect the child’s development and finally how the impact of social class can also have an impact on development. Socialisation is a process whereby parental caregivers shape and mould a child’s behaviour, attitudes, skills and motives in conformity with what is desirable and appropriate to their roles in society. It is also a process of mutual shaping within a family system. The goal of socialisation is how a child learns to organise and regulate his/her behaviour. Particular groups and organisations play key roles in socialisation. Parents, siblings, teachers and peers help to communicate certain values and they also guide them in modifying their behaviour. The parent socialises the child by acting as a model for the child to imitate. (Hetherington E.M, Parke R.D. (1986) Child Psychology: A Contemporary Viewpoint. 3rd Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, p.491) Children with emotionally temperamental or criminal parents are more prone to develop maladaptive or disregardful patterns of behaviour. Whereas the child who comes from a family with affectionate, honest, hardworking parents is more likely to show moral and righteous behaviour. Parents are usually the primary agents of socialisation which means they use certain parenting styles and child rearing methods. This is illustrated in a study of Baumrind (1967). On the basis of fourteen weeks of behavioural observation in a nursery school, Baumrind identified three groups of children who had widely different patterns of behaviour. The parents of these children were then interviewed and also observed the parents collaborating with their children in the home and in the
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