Contribution Of Qualitative Research To Psychology

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Qualitative psychology ‘aims to provide rich or thick descriptive accounts of the phenomenon under investigation’ (Smith, 2008 p1). It is about learning how people experience themselves and the world around them. The qualitative approach takes a relative perspective which implies that there are no real truths; it is the different opinions of truth that are relative Tashakkori & Teddie (2010). The researcher analyses data by identifying themes within the study. The qualitative study that will be discussed in this paper is ‘Having a Sibling With Schizophrenia: a Phenomenological Study’. Barnable, Gaudine, Bennet, Meadus (2006). This paper is discussed in terms of the qualitative methods used. The research question implies that there will be a narrative interpretation of the data. The paper discusses how participants were selected under certain criteria and how Van Manen’s hermeneutic phenomenological method was used. It discusses how the semi-structured interviews took place, how the data was interpreted using thematic analyses and the importance of this in qualitative research. It also discusses four main themes that were identified and what can be learned from these themes. The research question asks about the lived experience of having a brother or sister with schizophrenia. (Barnable et al 2006). The key qualitative words in the research question are ‘lived experience’. Asking questions of lived experiences comes from an interpretive methodology in which the researcher interprets participant’s narrative accounts to gain a deep understanding of their experiences Hesse-Biber & Leavy (2011). The research question implies that the results of this study will provide a rich understanding of participants’ experiences of having a sibling with schizophrenia. Qualitative research seeks to develop a deep understanding of the experiences of small numbers of people, as
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