Multiple Intelligence Theory

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I. Introductory Comments A. By the help of literature review, it is aimed to explore the relationship between students’ learning styles and multiple teaching strategies. The focus is on implications of multiple intelligence theory as it relates to students’ learning in mathematics. There will be definitions of intelligence in terms of different perspectives, multiple intelligence theory with its 8 different intelligences types (visual intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, musical intelligence, naturalist intelligence, and verbal intelligence) before this section of the research. Explanation about why do we need MI theory on learning & teaching process and how to apply it in the classroom will be discuss in detail. All of these information are the key components of my research and literature review because I have to be clear about definitions and explanations which I mentioned above to reach the best result while applying my methodology related to the topic; I should be clear and objective on discussing my findings. I believe my research will be helpful for math teachers on the way to approach different intelligence style students in a classroom on teaching mathematics. The literature review will help me to notice the relationship between multiple teaching methods used in a math class and students’ learning preferences based on MI Theory. B. As expressed by Gardner, the initiator of Multiple Intelligence Theory, “intelligence is the bio-psychological potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products" (Denig, 2004). Howard Gardner’s definition of Multiple Intelligence Theory says that individuals have different sorts of intelligence and skills that multiple intelligence could help to respond the
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