Reflections Of A Swingmaker

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Reflections of a Swingmaker. As I was reading Reflections of a Swingmaker, I noticed the passion of the writer, her need for the world to understand the importance and the value of playing therapy, and how impacting can be for children. A simple playground could not only change a kids life, but it can help children express their deepest desire to be children, and enjoy the most beautiful and important stages of a persons life. Unfortunately children around the world have experience pain, natural disasters, terrorism, war, accidents and assault, as the author was saying, and is sad to see that many kids have no time to be just kids. Kids are naturally happy beings and when that happiness is interrupted is difficult to bring it back, at least without any future harm. Circumstances like economy of the family or ignorance also play an important part in children’s life, many parents have to work various jobs, and during the entire day many kids are unattended and education and affection would not be the same as for a kid that expends play time and quality time with parents. I find play therapy very beneficial for kids, especially when play is natural for all kids, and even for adults to let that kid that we have inside is sometimes very beneficial as well. Being a future psychologist I find play therapy a setting for interventions. Knowing that play is also important for cognitive and developmental learning in kids, unfortunately at the moment more research is need it to make play therapy the “evidence play therapy”, is also sensitive because of the trauma engaged with kids and how therapists approach this. The “do no harm” makes it clear for the therapists to exercise caution when dealing with trauma in kids, as the author was saying; therapy could be worst than no treatment at all. Sexual abuse in children is something that affects us all, no

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