Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

1991 Words8 Pages
Running head: CBT’S EFFECTIVENESS IN TREATING AN ABORIGINAL Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Treating an Aboriginal Australian Abstract Different cultural backgrounds of the therapist and client may impede a successful therapeutic outcome, due to divergent values and cultural beliefs. To overcome this complication in the therapeutic process, cultural factors must be merged with Western approaches. The purpose of this essay is to examine cognitive behavioural therapy in relation to treating Jody, an Aboriginal Australian who is suffering from panic attacks. The understanding of core values of culturally diverse clients enables psychologist to use a combination of various cognitive techniques and allows for these techniques to be modified suiting the individual client. Although research suggests that the individualistic orientation of psychology neglects systems of social support and cohesion important for Indigenous Australians. However, it will be argued that cognitive behavioural therapy can be effective, due to its collaborative therapeutic approach and its modifiable techniques and procedures. . . Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Treating an Aboriginal Australian To provide optimal psychological treatment for symptoms of panic and anxiety, the psychologists need to understand patients’ own perceptions of their psychological problems, a task that is more challenging if the psychologist and patient are of different cultural backgrounds (Wagner, Silove, Marnane & Joukhador 2008). The aim of this essay is to examine the suitability of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in treating Jody, a client from Aboriginal Australian heritage who is suffering from symptoms of panic and anxiety. This essay will begin by outlining the effectiveness, basic philosophy, procedures, and evaluation process used in providing CBT
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