Participant Observation In Nursing Home Wards For People Suffering From Dementia

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Assignment 1 (final draft)

Participant Observation in Nursing Home Wards for People Suffering from Dementia

The research concentrated on how nursing homes develop their care for inhabitants suffering from dementia. In order to study this, I was a known observer at Evenswood nursing home in Kingston Ma for 10 days "Getting in" did not prove to be very problematic, but "getting along" was a lot harder. There was no reason for staff to like a snooping college kid. It was quite clear that the information I received was influenced by the way I was perceived. Moreover, the dementia the inhabitants of the wards suffer from and their reaction to it did not leave me indifferent
To get in to the nursing home, I first wrote a letter to the management, explaining what my research was about and asking if I could observe in the nursing home concerned. . During the meeting that followed, I answered all possible questions and made specific arrangements and agreements for the observations. Entering the nursing home was never denied or even made difficult.
A woman brings in a can of coffee.,While the manager pours the coffee, the head nurse enters. We introduce ourselves. The manager as well as the head nurse look me up and down, then the manager asks me to explain what I'm there for. I tell them about the theme of my research and the method I would like to use to find an answer to my questions, I stress I do not want to be a burden, that I will help when and where possible, although I am not qualified to do nurses' work, and that the data will be treated confidentially. I notice the manager will agree if the head nurse agrees, which she does.
"Getting along" in the wards proved to be a lot harder than "getting in". The toughest part was entering the setting for the first time. I felt very awkward and realised much depended on the first impression I left with the

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