6 Steps to Impromptu Speaking Success

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SIX STEPS TO IMPROMPTU SPEAKING SUCCESS A good impromptu speech has the structure of a regular speech: an opening, a body, a conclusion, connectives, and supporting data or stories. It is usually shorter than a prepared speech but it has the capacity to reveal more about the speaker because it is not rehearsed and allows for spontaneity. For this reason, it can also be a great deal of fun. The most important attribute for a speaker to excel in impromptu speaking is a “can do” state of mind. When you have this attitude, you will release the natural ability of your mind to process the question and come up with a suitable response. A positive state of mind will allow you to focus and be mentally agile, two vital skills for impromptu speaking success. Here are the mechanics: six proven steps to follow to help you successfully compose and deliver an impromptu speech. 1. Listen. Listen to what’s asked of you. Listen to the words and the tone of voice. Understand what is being asked of you before you even think of forming a response. Is the question clear? Is there a question behind the question? Make it a priority to understand the question. 2. Focus. Bring your full concentration on to the question at hand. For that moment, the most important challenge you face is choosing your response to the question. So cause the brilliance of your intellect and spirit to bear on the topic. 3. Buy Time/Don’t Rush to Respond. Don’t feel compelled to blurt out a response! People will wait when they sense that you are thinking about the question. You can also buy yourself some precious seconds by slowly standing up, or walking up to the lectern. The mind thinks extremely rapidly, at about 600-800 words per minute. So get out of the way, and let your mind think! 4. Pick a Theme for Your Response…or if you can’t think of a theme, begin to address the
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