sporting injuries Essay

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When it comes to sporting injuries there are many that can occur. Resources say that only 38% of all athletes that were surveyed warm up before playing a sport. As a result of this, the chances of a sport’s injury occurring is much higher. A common injury that occurs whilst playing sport is damage to soft tissue and if not treated correctly can lead to further injury. There are three main types of soft tissues and these include tendons, muscles and ligaments. Our muscles contract to produce movement and they are attached to bones by tendons. Ligaments which are strong bonds of inelastic fibrous tissue connect bone to bone. Unfortunately for us these soft tissues cause major injuries mainly whilst participating in sporting events. The three types of soft tissue injuries include, sprain, strain and contusion. A partial or complete tear of a ligament is called a sprain. This is caused by a twisting or other force that moves the joint beyond its normal range of motion. A strain is a torn or pulled muscle and is usually caused by the muscle suddenly contracting or being over-stretched. Contusions are another name for a bruise and a discoloration and tenderness of the skin, caused by bleeding in a muscle. This can also be caused by a leakage of blood vessels into the tissues. When playing sports you have to take into account the different sporting injuries that can occur. Listed below three examples of what type of injuries can occur and how these can happen: 1. Whilst playing netball, the continual stopping, standing and starting from the one position over a long period of time can cause jarring to the knees and this affects the majority of players. The best way to prevent this injury would be to stretch before and after every game. 2. When you are a professional bike rider the most common injury is caused by a fall from your bike resulting in

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