Features of the Colonial Economic System in West Africa

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FEATURES OF THE COLONIAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM IN NIGERIA. INTRODUCTION No area of the colonial history of Africa has attracted as much scholarly attention as the nature of the colonial economy. Discourses on colonial history have been approached from two primary perspectives: modernization theory and political economy. For many years, perspectives grounded on the modernization theory dominated the literature on the colonial economy of Africa. The modernization theory was typically an approach taken by many European writers during the colonial period in order to analyze colonialism. In its modern form, the theory makes a fundamental distinction between two societies identified as traditional (underdeveloped non- West) and modern (developed West). It contends that, modernization can only take place in such societies when “civilization” is imported from Western Europe and North Africa. Pre-colonial African societies were pointed out as static, backward, and unproductive, and thus, needed the intervention of the European colonial rule to develop. Thus, they romanticized what they argued was the extension of supposedly superior European civilization to the colonized areas in Africa. Central to the explanations based on the modernization theory is the supposedly deliberate design of the colonizers to develop the colonies at an enormous cost to them. Such explanations ignore the primary aim of economic motivation on the part of the colonialists. However, the proponents of the modernization theory were largely European apologists for imperialism such as colonial administrators and European scholars. However, in the 1960s, scholars outside the West, particularly in Latin America, fault modernization theory in explaining imperialism.
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