Discuss the three types of conflict (task, relationship & process). Address how the influences of leadership, power, and politics affect an organizations performance.

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Review of Subject Conflict, or unresolved disagreement, can affect positively or negatively an organization in various ways. The three major types of conflict, including task conflict, relationship conflict, process conflict and its influence are usually opened for discussions in many organizations to evaluate and find the appropriate resolution for each individual situation. The issue of conflict may be moderated by the organization’s style of leadership, its power structure and its political structure. This paper just briefly describes about how these three major concepts influence the organizational performance and the ways its managers handle the issues caused by these impacts. Discussion Task conflict involves differences between group members in relation to the content of the task, including differences in viewpoints and opinions about the task performance and goals. If the task conflict involves with a certain level, which is appropriate with the complexity and uncertainty of group work, it even positively influences the overall task performance (Robbins & Judge, 2007). Truly, task conflict is not always a negative factor; if it is used properly, it can be a healthy addition to a group dynamic, increasing the capabilities of the group by improving individuals’ creative thinking skills and techniques. As a consequence, the task conflict should be encouraged and proper managed, rather than discouraged or ignored by the manager or team leader as it improves the overall organizational effectiveness. In my organisation, when facing with a complex task, the branch manager usually encourages people to openly discuss divergent viewpoints, then if necessary, organise a vote to have everyones’ compromise and consensus to the final solution. If the final decision still can not be made due to various helpful opinions contributed by individuals, the manager will have

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