3 Critical Incidents That Made Me Become a Teacher

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Who and what we are can be determined by the morals and values which were taught to us as children. Children have rights as well as needs. One of these rights is the right to an education. It is the duty of the parent to ensure that the child is enrolled and attends school, but, it is the job of the teacher to encourage or motivate the child to learn and be educated. By realizing how essential, children are to our future and encountering some critical events during my adolescence and early adulthood, I have an awakening desire to become a teacher. I stand to make a difference in my community and country, my experience as a Classroom Assistant during the On the Job Training Programme and the effect of continuous personal enhancement are the three critical events that shaped my decision about teaching. I grew up in a village where manners, respect and humility were a part of life. Where everyone knew each other, because the village was family centered. Children would be playing marbles, jump rope, hopscotch and hide and seek; but all of that has disappeared. Presently the social network and media is teaching kids, not parents, teachers or elders in the community. The social network is destroying the lives of our future. Family life is deteriorating, causing a breakdown in society. My community and many other communities nationwide are being affected by this. Hence the reason delinquency, crime, drugs and teenage pregnancy is so prevalent in this present time. The needs of children are not being satisfied in the home and they tend to seek these needs elsewhere. Too often we tend to look at other people, what they are doing for our community and we fail to evaluate ourselves. Well I have taken a close look at myself in the mirror, and I observed that I myself was not contributing or giving back to society what it gave to me. It is because of these pressing matters
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