The Healing Circle

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INTRODUCTION This script incorporates the original Healing White Light script and The Circle of Excellence self-anchoring process developed by Dr. John Grinder, the co-creator of NLP. Multi-sensory in nature, this script evokes the patient to identify the external triggers to create a resourceful state. These could be visual, auditory, tactile, smell or taste stimuli. The script starts off by helping the patient build a powerful resourceful state by recalling a time in their life where he or she felt powerful, loved and confident. An anchor for the resourceful state is created when they stepped into an imaginary circle on the floor. All three different resourceful states are “stacked” on top of one another using the circle as a common anchor. This process is called stacking anchors. Once inside the circle, the patient will be engulfed by the healing white light and thus, the healing process will begin. Together with the feeling of empowerment, the patient will feel a gradual detoxification process whereby the body will be free itself of impurities and lay a foundation for excellent health and emotional well-being. DISCUSSION The Healing White Light script is suitable for use in hypnotherapy to induce the body to naturally heal itself against various illnesses, possibly by psychoneuroimmunologic reaction. The script utilizes a vivid description of the emergence of a healing white light to induce a general sense of well-being in patients suffering from tumor, growths and bodily pains. A patient in an altered state of consciousness responds literally to suggestions. Thus, words with ambiguous meaning may lead to undesirable effects. Hartland (1971) gave the example of a patient who was terrified to go into the street because of the traffic. The patient who was told by a hypnotist that she would be able to cross the road without the slightest
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