abortion speech Essay

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Killing The Defenseless Did you know that there are 1.37 million abortions a year. That’s approximately 3.700 lives being taken away everyday. This statistic is according to abortionno.org in 2006 B. Abortion is the practice of killing the most defenseless and weakest among us. From the time of conception the fetus is the very start of a human being. [Why are there so many abortions a year? If its murder?] Abortion is murder According to Plannedparenthood.org a fetus is a living organism from the moment of conception, and has a heartbeat by about the 3rd week of conception. Some people may argue that the fetus is not human, if its not then what is it? Once the egg and the sperm unit, the 23 chromosomes of each parent are formed together to form one cell with 46 chromosomes. Once this cell has formed with 46 chromosomes the one cell has all the DNA, the fetus now has the entire genetic code that makes up a human being. III. Since the moment of conception these little babies are living inside of a womb and they are growing. A. By the 8th week of a pregnancy the baby weights about a gram and is starting to form fingers and toes it even has nostril already B. By the 16th week the babies arms are fully developed as well as the legs it even has fingernails. C. Many abortions occur within the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. At what moment from conception to the moment of the abortion is the baby not alive? At what point is it not human? Since conception the fetus has continued growing with all vital organs. [Not only are abortions killing innocent children but they are also putting the mother at risk for many complications.] IV. Pro choice advocates say that woman should have control over there own body and they have the right to an abortion, but the fetus is another body, a completely different life. A. And according to

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