How People Make Economic Decisions

798 Words4 Pages
How People Make Economic Decisions This paper will contain information concerning how people make economic decisions. Some principles of decision-making and comparing the marginal benefits and the marginal costs interrelated to that decision. Are there any marginal benefits and marginal costs interrelated to this decision or could incentives led to a different decision. Meanwhile, explaining the workings of the economy system and its principles of economics relating to decision-making, and interaction following economic systems such as mixed economy, market economy, and centrally planned economy. Finally explaining how economic interactions are affected by the type of economic system existing. Principles of Decision-Making Each decision people make has risks connected with it, making decisions is frequently difficult. Keep in mind there are four principles of decision making (1) Never risk more than one can afford to give; this refers to more than just financial ventures, knowing what one can afford in duration of energy, emotions, time, and so on, (2) Never risk more than what one have, one does not have an indefinite supply of time, money, or energy, and one should not risk more of these resources than one have, (3) Never risk more than one can receive in return, take a risk only when one can profit from it, (4) and follow ones intuition means that one should think good about one’s decision (Hubbard & O’Brien, 2010). Nobody else can make a decision for the affairs other people undertake. Marginal Benefits to Marginal Costs The best example of comparing marginal benefits (MB) to marginal costs (MC) would be returning to school. Returning to college is a MB, and the MC would be the time, money, and travel expenses of returning to school. The marginal benefits of returning to school is the satisfaction of receiving a degree in business management and accounting

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