Why Is Art Important?

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Introduction In this essay, I will be elaborating on why art is considered to be “basic” by many early childhood educators, what is early art experiences in early childhood classroom, how does the environment promote early art experiences in young children, why is it important to be creative while working in an art environment and what are the roles of educators, parents and children in support of creative art. Why art is considered to be “basic” by many early childhood educators? Art has traditionally been an important part of early childhood programs. Friedrich Froebel, the father of kindergarten, believed that young children should be involved in both making their own art and enjoying the art of others. Art allows children to express their views on things. At different ages, children develop their drawing skills. At the age of 2, children start to scribble. First disordered scribbles are simply records of enjoyable kinesthetic activity, not attempts at portraying the visual world. At the age from 3 to 4, the first conscious form occurs. The first representational attempt is a person, usually with circle for head and two vertical lines for legs. Later other forms develop, clearly recognizable and often quite complex. Children continually search for new concepts so symbols constantly change. And at the age of 6, the child arrives at a "schema," a definite way of portraying an object, although it will be modified when he needs to portray something important. The schema represents the child's active knowledge of the subject. At this stage, there is definite order in space relationships: everything sits on the base line. What is early art experiences in early childhood classroom? Early art does not mean that a teacher has to set aside time to do art and craft activities. The experiences of early art does not only mean drawing and coloring, it
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