Negative Tv Influence

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Psychological and sociological studies continuously reveal that TV programming including advertising can have negative influence on the American youth. In recent years, the number of children and teenagers watching television has increased significantly. Lack of parental involvement has led the American youth exposed to violent, pornographic, and unintelligent programming. Unfortunately, there are major interests that respond to monetary gain by keeping this media outlet still operational than actually safeguard children and teenagers healthy mind. As a result on this family and society negligence on our youth, many children and teenagers have psychological problems that are expressed in different ways through inappropriate cognitive development and deviant behavior. Adolescence violence has skyrocketed in the US leading to a number of young people involved in criminal process, dead, or in prison because they have expressed a violent learned behavior. The Television industry is a greedy business. In the search for profit, TV outlets designed programming and advertisements targeting specific demographics. Children and teenagers (youth) are more apprehensive to media manipulation and consume in high demands the content that is supplied. Insatiable American TV Corporations victimize our youth. Companies and productions companies pay millions of dollars for seconds of advertisement, because for sure they will get their money back by consumer consumption. Many companies pay millions of dollars for seconds of TV air advertisement to show their products and encourage consumer consumption. Since selling is the ultimate goal, the TV industry must follow a basic law in economics of supply and demand. More interestingly, the power to manipulate the supply and demand economic model can reap significant benefits for TV companies. If the media is able to manipulate
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