Companioning a Child With Miecat Procedures

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Introduction I began this core with the idea that in comparison to adults, children could be somewhat limited in their capacity to make sense of their own experiences. I assumed that the procedures themselves would also be limited in there use. However as I examined the various case studies I soon came to realise that miecat procedures are not so much limited but adapted to meet the needs of younger people. This assignment will examine the adaptation and impact of miecat procedures in working with children, with particular focus on the concept of play and how this represents the child’s experiencing. Furthermore it will consider how children process meaning and examine how or if this is different from the process of adults. It will also comment of the inter-subjective relationship between companion and child and explore how the choices made within this relational field can lead to meaning making. Finally it will discuss the role of family within the therapeutic environment and examine how and where values and ethics impact the healing process of the child within the miecat companioning process. Invitation to play - Forming of relationship Miecat procedures do not focus on the problem of the person, but rather on the person themselves, allowing them to engage in their own experience of being without the restriction that evaluation and diagnosis can sometimes impose. The experience of a child is no less valued than that of an adult however how the child engages and communicates that experience does differ from that of a fully mature adult. The child’s use of play allows them to engage with the world in a way, which is unique to the child. Through play they are able to express themselves. Play becomes their language and represents their experience. One of the main aims of Miecat methodology is to understanding self and it is proposed that through the
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