Development In Adolescence

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Adolescence is a critical time in a person’s life, which is the period extending from the onset of puberty to early adulthood (12 – 18 years of age) (Lefton & Brannon, 2006). It is during this time that key developmental tasks of adolescence are experienced, such as cognitive development, psychological development, acquisition of ones self identity and of course physical maturation (Lefton & Brannon, 2006). During Adolescence the brain undergoes many structural changes as demonstrated by MRI studies, these studies especially show significant changes in the parietal and frontal regions of the brain along with a pronounced decline of gray matter volume during adolescence as opposed to childhood (Choudhury, Blakemore & Charman, 2006). White matter is seen as increasing throughout adolescence into adulthood in the prefrontal and parietal cortex (Choudhury, Blakemore & Charman, 2006). It is these biological changes that assist developmental changes, as it is due to these regions that a high level of cognitive abilities take place (Blackmore, Ouden, Choudury & Frith, 2007). These cognitive abilities include that of executive function, which is “skills that enable the control and coordination of thoughts & Behaviours” and mentalising, the ability to manipulate and understand other people’s intentions (Choudhury, Blakemore & Charman, 2006, p. 166; Blackmore, et al, 2007). Autonomy is another crucial part of adolescence and involves three separate domains these being behavioural, cognitive and affective domains (Parra & Oliva, 2009). The behavioural domain involves the adolescent being able to act on one’s own behalf, cognitive domain is being able to think for oneself and feeling that they are in control of their lives and finally affective is referred to as displaying emotional distance towards ones parents in order to form symmetrical emotional bonds with
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