Models Of Organized Crime Executive Summary

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Models of Organized Crime Executive Summary Kary Wilson CJA 384 April 1, 2012 David Thomas Models of Organized Crime Executive Summary This executive summary will focus on comparing distinctions between bureaucratic and patron-client criminal organizations. It will present the similarities and differences between the main models of organized crime. Finally, the assignment will explain why the models are important for understanding organized crime. There are two basic models for the basis of organized crime; patron-client and bureaucratic. The patron-client model of organized crime maintains a family type structure, and supports the theory of acceptance in the member selection process. Most of the participants share similarities in backgrounds, relationships, family, social standings, religious beliefs, and cultures. The Mafia is a typically example of the patron-client model. This model is based on rituals and traditions. It maintains an unbalanced social exchange relationship in which the patrons provide economic aid and protection to the clients, and in return the clients reimburse with respect, and loyalty. This criminal structure is hierarchical. At the top, there is a patron who is in charge of business, develops contacts, offers services, and resolves all disputes. The patron does not take part in criminal activity. He uses a network of informants to elicit information, and directs the overall business operations. At the lower level of authority there is an underboss, followed by counselors, advisors, and captains serving other members who allocate their illicit earnings with the patron. The second organizational model is the bureaucratic model. The bureaucracy model is a complex hierarchy based more on business and efficiency, conducts its business at an impersonal level, selects its members based

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