When Can We Trust Our Senses

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Fredrich Nietzche once said, “All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses”. This statement supports the notion that we should trust our senses, as it is the primary source of all truth. Senses are primary tool of assessing information. At the most basic level, it is our sights, sound, smell, touch and taste. We rely on our senses to give us primary knowledge of our surroundings. Although our senses provide us a basic access to our external environment, it may not necessarily give us truth. Truths are statements that are thoroughly tested and not falsified. It is eternal, independent of any opinion and the same for everyone. Based on Alchin’s theory of truth, there is the small “t” truth, which provides us with a superficial understanding of what we experience and the big “T” Truth, which provides us with a deeper and more accurate understanding, in which we cannot attain merely through senses. This is because different individuals have different perceptions of what we sense, and hence, both the small “t” truth and big “T” truth may differ or be distorted. The process of gaining knowledge through our senses consists of 2 elements: sensation, which is what is provided of the world, and interpretation, which is provided by our mind. Our personal understanding of what we experience arise not from our sensations, but from the interpretation we impose on them. Hence, the truth we gain from our senses is often flawed as senses can be deceiving and our perceptions differ. Therefore, although our senses are the most reasonable account for the regularity of our experiences, we can never rely on our senses to give us definite truths. Senses give us varying levels of truth in different areas of knowledge. The truth we ascertain from natural science is based on empirical knowledge, as we rely heavily on what we observe through our
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