20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

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20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea takes place in 1866. Professor Aronnax, who is an expert in marine life, learns of a creature that has been sinking ships all over the world. Many eye witnesses say it is a Narwhal, or large whale, The United States Government wanted to investigate the creature and asked Professor Aronnax to go on the ship to find the Narwhal. The professor was joined by his assistant Conseil and an expert harpooner named Ned Land. The ship left the US dock to search for the Narwhal. After many weeks of searching, the ship spotted the creature and began shooting cannons and harpoons at it. Then the creature rammed the boat. All crew fell into the water. Professor Aronnax, Conseil, and Ned find something to climb onto and out of the water. They discovered that it was not a creature but a submarine that was sinking ships. They were taken aboard the submarine called the Nautilus. They met Captain Nemo. He tells them that their lives were spared but in return they had to live onboard the Nautilus forever. The Captain also tells them about the Nautilus, how he does not like people, and that he never will return to land. The Nautilus traveled to many different places around the world. Professor Aronnax, Conceil, and Ned try to escape many times. Everyone on the nautilus had many great adventures. For example, the crew of the Nautilus found a giant squid, which took the life of one of the crew members. Ned and Captain Nemo had to cut off its tentacles and put a harpoon through its heart to kill it. The final attempt to escape the Nautilus worked. The Professor, Conceil, and Ned made it onto the dingy but a maelstrom caused the bolts to come loose on the dingy. A piece of metal hit Professor Aronnax on the head. He awoke at a fisherman's cottage with Conceil and Ned. The Professor

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