19th Ans 20th Century Music

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The late 19th and the 20th Centuries contributed new genres to the production of music. This made music much more popular around the world, advancement in technology made it easier for artist to record and distribute music. This helped innovation artist to gain global recognition. Modernism was a big event during the 19th and the 20th Centuries this led to rapid growth in cites in which followed World War I. Trends furthered into the Romanticism this effected the Industrial Revolution. At the same time social, political, and economic forced were at work that would become the basis to argue for the radically different kind of art and thinking. The changes that took place at the beginning of the 20th-century are emphasized by the fact that many modern disciplines, including sciences such as physics, mathematics neuroscience and economics, and art such as ballet and architecture. Many new genres where developed through the time progressed, stuff like Pop, Rock, Alternative, Punk, Country, R&B, and Rap/Hip Hop. Pop music, which was originated in its modern form in the 1950s, deriving from rock and roll. This music can include any style including urban, dance, rock, Latin and country. Rock music was influenced by rhythm and blue, Rock also developed big number of new genres. Rock centered with the electric guitar and rock groups. Country music takes the roots from the Western cowboy and the southeastern American folk music. Further more, in 2009 country music was the most listened to on the radio. In the late 19th century and composer named Richard Wagner was a German composer, which conducted many operas. Wagner enriched the textured and harmonies in music. Another artist was Claude Debussy he was a French composers he worked in the field of impressionist music. In the 20th century many new groups of artist took its toll, Bebop was a type of jazz it was
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