Critically Assess The Strengths And Weaknesses Of

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Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of personal construct theory’s contribution to our understanding of individual differences in personality. (2000 words). Theories of personality developed in three psychological strands clinical, psychometric and experimental tradition. They were all interested in human behaviour and were mainly concerned with explaining why individual behaved differently to similar situations, and how behaviour could be altered for the good of oneself and society (Butt, 2007). The quantitative psychometric testing and the experimental tradition in which individual difference can be known were the dominant methodologies for many decades. As Hollway (2007) would concur that scientific tradition had been historically a power related establishment that was central to the way knowledge was produced. This frustration let some clinicians, for whom the problem of individual differences became a salient feature in psychotherapy proposed an alternative theory: a personal construct theory that understood people lived experience and was freed from the constraints of the scientific tradition. In a sense, people constructing themselves by engaging in a context that is fluid and complex and always changing, rather than fixed and predictable. The personal construct theory is a critical social approach, a protest theory in reaction to psychometric and the experimental tradition (Butt, 2007). My proposal is that the personal construct theory was able to produce knowledge of individual differences in people’s lived experience that psychometric tests and scientific tradition were unable to excess. Since personal construct theory’s is a reaction to the scientific methodologies on individual differences, it is important for this study to firstly discuss cognitive social, trait theories and psychometric testing. The experimental tradition was

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