Divorce Effect On Children

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The differences between children in divided versus joint families (Hughes, 2009). 1. Parental loss: Breaking the connection with either the mother or the father will result in loosing vital assets such as emotional and financial resources in addition to attentiveness and association. 2. Economic loss: Normal families usually are more financially secured since the income is coming from two sources. Separation means less revenue which impacts the children’s quality of life. 3. More life stress: Relocating school or home after the divorce imposes a lot of stress on the children because of the alteration they have to make to adapt with the new connections and neighboring. 4. Exposure to conflict between parents: The more the child is witnessing struggles between his parents the more his welfare will be impacted and his self-confidence will decrease because at some point, children tend to blame themselves for the divorce. Matters on which the effects depend (DeBord, 1997). Age of children Destroying the link between parent and child is very critical and parents should take necessary measures related to child-raising before divorce. The knowledge about the divorce effect on children less than three years old is not mature yet but for older children it can be classified as: Infants Infants do not understand divorce but they feel the change in their parent’s attitude. As result, they may lose their desire for eating and suffer from stomachache. Preschool children At the age from three to five, children may blame themselves for their parent separation. They think that they did something wrong that led to being left alone. Wet bed is a sign of fear that might be encountered in addition to being stubborn and sad most of the time. School-aged children This is the most difficult age to adapt with parental divorce because at this age, children can
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