18th Century Classical Music vs Modern Pop

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18th Century Classical Music vs 21st Century American Popular Music Music is the loudest art form. It conveys emotion and character in the most obnoxious way. Its effects are immediate. A person hearing a tune playing from a mile away may begin to tap their feet, nod their head, bounce, or break out in a dance to the beat. Music is available in many different styles and flavors. Of course some styles are harder to produce than others. Different styles have different levels of complexity and emotion, each of which have a different effect on the state of a person’s brain and abilities. Classical, 18th century pianists such as Beethoven or Mozart would spend years composing music in an innovative, unparalleled in its time, way that could not be easily replicated. In fact, the smoother, more complex progressions classical pianist composed are known to sharpen the mind, increase focus, and encourage a more introspective train of thought. Classical music is much more intricate than modern pop music. Classical music is known to have a relaxing effect. The smooth tones and rhythms allow a person somehow enhance cerebral skills enable a person to concentrate more, the “Mozart effect”. Many people choose to play classical music as they study or do work because they believe it increases their productivity. Classical music often begins with a relatively slow chords progression slow rhythm around sixty beats per minute . The slow, rhythm relaxes the mind, usually by raising serotonin production in the brain. Serotonin being the chemical that allows a person to sleep. Of course the serotonin production is not rapid enough to induce sleep, but the music allows it to release the neurotoxin at a rate that will relax an individual enough to activate a sense of wonder similar to those a person experiences in dreams. As the progression carries on and the pace picks up, lead
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