Adler And Jung

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Adler and Jung Adler believed that people are motivated by inferiority feelings. These feelings of inferiority are the driving factor for people to become successful. Actions are intentional and those actions are more important than heredity and genetics. However, Adler also recognized that “biological and environmental conditions limit our capacity to choose and to create” (Corey, 2009). Adler used a holistic approach that the person is a whole and cannot be treated in parts. The most significant concept that Adler presented is social interest and community feeling. Social interest incorporates the involvement of the individual to better the future of society. Community feeling is the ability of the individual to be connected with others. Adler’s consideration of birth order and sibling relationships is a unique contribution. This is an attempt to explain why children of the same family differ. There are five dimensions of the birth order: the oldest child, the second child of two, the middle child, the youngest child, and the only child (Corey, 2009). The birth order influences development during childhood and contributes to the actions of the individual as an adult. Adler collaborated with Freud for 8 to 10 years (Corey, 2009). Much of Adler’s inferiority feelings were based on his childhood. He was often ill and felt inferior to his brother and his peers (Corey, 2009). This was a driving force of his success. When departing from Freud, Adler addressed the importance of society and culture in the realm of the person. This was a new concept to the psychoanalytical world. Due to Adler’s acknowledgement of cultural diversity in the psychological make-up of the individual and its relevance, it is still a driving force in current counseling theories. Therapists are not to interact with clients based on the diagnosis of the client. “One way of looking at the role
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