Stress And Life Changes

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To what extent can stress be explained in terms of life changes? Stress and everyday annoyances are not life changing. Situations that interfere with normal activity, inspire feelings of panic or defeat, and bring about deep emotional reactions are life changes. A life change is a 'turning point'; or a crucial time that will make a difference for better or worse. When a person experiences a life change, there will either be a negative outcome or a positive one. The direction of the outcome depends on a number of factors such as -- physical and emotional health of the individual, support from others, childhood upbringing, past experience with similar situations, and the duration of the crisis situation. Different life changes have different impacts. In many cases, however, it may be possible to anticipate crises and prepare for them. It may also be useful to recognize the impact of crises that have occurred so that someone can take account of them appropriately. Holmes and Rahe with the Social Readjustment have done some work in this area. They discovered due to their work in hospitals that many of the patients that suffered from heart disease had recently had a one or more life changes. The aim of their investigation was to find a link between life changes and stress either daily stress or a major life change, and then to see if there is a correlation between life changes and stress caused illness. Holmes and Rahe then decided to research this that they would set up a questionnaire with 43 different life changes on them they used a test group of almost 400 participants. They were asked to compare each life change with marriage and see if it is higher or lower stress wise. Then the whole scale was then divided by one hundred to give the final results this this was named by homes and Rahe as the social regustment scale or the SRRS Some of the findings of the

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