Standard Reference Manual

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Subject: Because of DSM’s powerful influence, it is important to be aware of its limitations. Analyze the four limitations discussed in the textbook: 1. The danger of over diagnosis 2. The power of diagnostic labels 3. The confusion of serious mental disorders with normal problems 4. The illusion of objectivity and universality. The DSM is a standard reference manual used by health professional to diagnose mental disorders. Published by the American Psychiatric Association, the DSM primary goal is to provide a clear diagnostic of mental disorders so clinicians and researchers can agree on which disorders they are talking about. As precious this book might be for mental health professional, it also have its limitations such as: 1. The danger of over diagnosis 2. The power of diagnostic labels 3. The confusion of serious mental disorders with normal problems 4. The illusion of objectivity and universality. The objective of this assignment is to analyze those restrictions. By mental disorders we mean any behavior or emotional state that causes an individual great suffering, is self-destructive, seriously impairs the person’s ability to work or get along with others, or endangers others community. With that said, we all can see why the DSM plays such an important role in the mental health community. With such powerful influences, we should also consider its limitations and some inherent problems that might rise in the effort of classifying or labeling mental disorders. The danger of overdiagnosis: let’s consider ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) for example, anyone with an impulsive temper that is messy, restless and easily frustrated with problem concentrating even in the simple task, is label having ADHD since it was added in the DSM reference manual, and had become the fastest growing disorder in our society. Sometimes, such
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