Causes Of Absentism Of Grade Ii Students

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CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Usually the teenagers are the ones greatly affected by the leaps of sciences and technology toward development. But eventually, a child in his age is already been greatly affected with it. As one of the modern witnesses of the changes he explores what he wanted to be in. He wants more freedom and independence especially in terms of social relationship. He sometimes forgets the things and values taught by his parents not thinking and considering the consequences he will be getting from it. The youth today are quite different from before. They are aggressive, indifferent and tough. They always have the guts to enter into something they never thought would cause them harm. Changes really affect the attitude of children. As early as Grade II, they should be guided all throughout to keep children from turning into delinquents and vigilant and prevent the danger that may come their way. Parents, together with the teachers, should take the first step to get through with these not-so-good things that the environment provides. But problems really are incontrollable. Since school is the second home off children, effects of changes experienced by the children are manifested there. One perceived caused of the deteriorating learning capabilities of our grade school pupils is habitual absenteeism. This attitude is advantageous since the pupils are supposed to be imbued with the right learning values and practices while they are at the beginning of the education that will prepare them for a better future life. Indeed, is it at this time in their early school life that they should be conditional psychologically, morally and physically be able to develop effectively the derived higher intelligence for learning? 1 The causes of absenteeism could be traced to the lack of concern on the
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