1776 Movie Essay

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1776 Movie Essay I watched a movie called 1776 for learning about how American toward to independence and who helped it out. The movie’s setting is in Philadelphia and the Pennsylvania’s State House. The movie begins on May 8th, 1776. It’s almost exactly after one year later from the Second Continental Congress when the delegates met for the first time. The movie ends on July 4th, 1776 as they finished signing up on the Declaration of Independence. At that time, Philadelphia was the biggest City in America colonies. At this time, men wanted gunpowder and women wanted sewing needles. In this movie there are three main characters: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. But the most important character is John Adams. He was the person who helped declaring independence out. He came to Philadelphia because he was the delegates of Massachusetts for the Continental Congress. He had a wife named Abigail, she couldn’t come to Philadelphia because she couldn’t leave children and she had to take care of their farm. She was a strong woman. Many people who were at the Continental Congress disliked Adams. Thomas Jefferson was in the committee of the Declaration of Independence. The committee included John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston, too. One of them had to write the Declaration of Independence. Adams and others chose Jefferson the one. From June 11th to June 28th, 1776, he worked on a rough draft. The delegates edited Jefferson’s draft from July 2nd to July 4th. Benjamin Franklin was a comical person in this movie. He had long silver hair and wore glasses. And he was fat so somebody had to carry him with some kind of transfer when he had to go somewhere far. He was gentle and smart. He was a delegate of Pennsylvania. He was kind of a friend with J. Adams. In this movie, there are many characters and here are sub
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