Self Awareness And Self Esteem

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Self awareness and esteem play a very important role in the attitude you give towards the world. Giving out a positive attitude is very important to the attitude you receive from the world/community. Making your community/country a better place via attitude is a good idea because if everyone has the same attitude it will work out as there will be no major disagreements. Self awareness and self esteem are often mixed up. Self awareness is the ability to perceive aspects of our personality, behaviour, emotions, motivations and thought process. Self esteem is the opinion you have if yourself and your value as a person. Having good self awareness is very important as you must know yourself well in order to improve on it and self awareness is just being able to accept who you are in your own skin. Self esteem is your thought about yourself and what you think about yourself. Whether you are shy or not, or being able to make decisions for yourself is all about self esteem. If your self awareness and self esteem are very good then that directly improves your attitude you are giving as you know to what extent you can handle certain situations. If your self awareness is bad then you are automatically going to constantly feel uncomfortable in your everyday life as a person. Being aware of how you react to your emotions, motivations and personality is very good so you can then train yourself to be calm and never over react, this helps you to become a better, calmer person all round. Self esteem is knowing what you are capable of and having confidence in yourself at all times. Always asking for something or acting shy are signs of low self esteem as this shows that you are never sure of what you really have to do and that you have no confidence in what you are doing. A high self esteem can also be bad as then you start to think that you are the boss and no one else can
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