Attachment Theory Essay

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Lifespan Development 20th March 2010 Essay: Using key research studies, critically evaluate theories of attachment. Throughout the following essay i will be explaining different theories of attachment; I will be critically evaluating key research studies, including the work of John Bowlby, Schaffer and Emerson and Mary Ainsworth. Attachment describes a strong, emotional bond that endures overtime between an infant and their caregiver. Many researchers believe that attachment develops through a series of stages. Rudolfe Schaffer and Peggy Emerson (1964) studied sixty babies at monthly intervals for the first eighteen months of life; and a regular pattern was identified in the development of attachment (Hardy, S. 1995). They discovered that attachment developed in the following sequence:- Birth to six months - this is the indiscriminate attachment phase, the newborn is predisposed to attach to any human; most babies respond equally to any caregiver. After four months - preference for certain people; infants learn to distinguish primary and secondary caregivers, but still except care from anyone. After seven months - special preference for a single attachment figure; the baby looks to particular people for security and comfort; they show fear of strangers and unhappiness when separated from a special person. After nine months – multiple attachment; the baby becomes increasingly independent and forms several attachments. Schaffer and emersons study also showed that the most important fact in forming attachments is not who feeds and changes the child, but who plays and communicates with him or her most (Hardy, S. 1995). Other theorists have proposed a number of factors that are believed to be important in forming attachments; John Bowlby was a psychoanalyst and was very influenced by the ethological theory; bowlby believed that attachment
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