Learned Helplessness Essay

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Learned helplessness is a term you may have never heard of, but possibly you've experienced it ... Have you ever worked in a team that was stuck? A team that was spending more time complaining, feeling frustrated and discontent than actually getting on and performing? How do teams learn to be like this? What causes a team to stagnate, to be unable to grow, change or perform as a team? Generally it happens over time. Past experience dictates people's thoughts and consequently their beliefs about what they can and can't do. When a group begins to believe that they only have a small locus of control over their destiny they begin to behave that way. If you hear people saying things like "We've tried that before and it didn't work" or "What's the point, we won't be allowed" you are hearing people who have what is known in psychological terms as 'learned helplessness'. Elephants provide us with a great example of learned helplessness. When young they are tied to a large tree with heavy chains. Initially the elephant tries to move away. After a while though the elephant realizes it is futile. They can resist all they want, but they can't move away. Once that happens, the trainer can remove the chains and put on only a slight rope. The elephant has learned 'why bother, I've tried it before and it doesn't matter what I do, I can't get away'. The elephant's past experience is now dictating its belief system and its current and future behavior. It has learned apathy. It has learned helplessness. Can you see how that can happen in the work context? Can you see how people can get the 'why

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